LL-932 Deep-Space Recon

LL-932 Box

The LL-932 Deep-Space Recon is used when a large area of space must be surveyed quickly, or when you'd like a closer look at a distant sensor target. Three massive engines allow it to move quickly, and a powerful sensor array is incorporated into the large tail assembly.

It is crewed by a pilot and a sensor tech. A special ground support vehicle allows it to refuel quickly (those big engines are quite thirsty).

Builder Notes: 

I wanted to build in the style of my original Neo-Classic Space creations from 2006, so I reused much of the building technique and detail of those. I smoothed out the bottom and upgraded the landing gear, but overall it's a pretty straightforward build.

I knew I was going to use the trans-yellow canopy extender and build a ship with a 1+1 cockpit arrangement. When I decided to couple that with the big engines, it all came together pretty quickly. It's a fun, swooshable little ship, but I felt the playability was a little lacking, so I added the fuel truck.

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