Compose tips

input formats:
  • Filtered HTML:
    • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
    • Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd>

      This site allows HTML content. While learning all of HTML may feel intimidating, learning how to use a very small number of the most basic HTML "tags" is very easy. This table provides examples for each tag that is enabled on this site.

      For more information see W3C's HTML Specifications or use your favorite search engine to find other sites that explain HTML.

      Tag DescriptionYou TypeYou Get
      Anchors are used to make links to other pages.<a href="">Neo Classic Space</a>Neo Classic Space
      Coded text used to show programming source code<code>Coded</code>Coded
      Unordered list - use the <li> to begin each list item<ul> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ul>
      • First item
      • Second item
      Ordered list - use the <li> to begin each list item<ol> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ol>
      1. First item
      2. Second item
      Definition lists are similar to other HTML lists. <dl> begins the definition list, <dt> begins the definition term and <dd> begins the definition description.<dl> <dt>First term</dt> <dd>First definition</dd> <dt>Second term</dt> <dd>Second definition</dd> </dl>
      First term
      First definition
      Second term
      Second definition

      Most unusual characters can be directly entered without any problems.

      If you do encounter problems, try using HTML character entities. A common example looks like &amp; for an ampersand & character. For a full list of entities see HTML's entities page. Some of the available characters include:

      Character DescriptionYou TypeYou Get
      Greater than&gt;>
      Less than&lt;<
      Quotation mark&quot;"
    • Lines and paragraphs are automatically recognized. The <br /> line break, <p> paragraph and </p> close paragraph tags are inserted automatically. If paragraphs are not recognized simply add a couple blank lines.
  • Rich Text:
  • BBCode:
    • BBCode Guide

      BBCode allows you to specify formatting rules for your text, even if you are not allowed to use HTML in your posts. BBCode originated from the forum software named PHPBB, and this site has a special implementation of it.

      In BBCode terms, you use "tags" to add formatting to your text. Every tag is enclosed in [ and ] brackets. If you want to mark some region in your text, you need to use an opening tag and a closing tag. Closing tags start with [/, as you will see in the examples below. If you mistype a tag or forget to close it, you will not get the desired formatting.

      Simple text formatting

      BBCode allows you to make some parts of your texts stand out from the context by adding [b]old, [i]talic, [u]nderlined and [s]trikeout formatting to them. The [color], [size] and [font] tags allow you to change the color, size and font of portions of the text you enclose with these tags. Both require a parameter (which colour, how big, what font) that is suffixed to the name of the tag by an equals sign (example below). You should not repeat the parameter in the closing tag!

      You can specify any recognized color name (red, blue, green, white, etc.) or a hexadecimal color value (#CDCDCD, #FFFFFF, etc.) as the parameter of a [color] tag. The [size] tag allows you to set the font size between 6 and 48, 6 being the smallest size. Note that using very large text is considered by many to be annoying, and it is seldom a good idea to try to attract more attention to your post in this way. The [font] tag can be set to any valid font face, such as Arial, Arial Black, Courier, Courier New, Helvetica, Impact, Times New Roman, Verdana, etc.

      I [b]need to do[/b] this by the weekend I need to do this by the weekend
      John said that [i]we should[/i] ask her John said that we should ask her
      I [u]would not like to[/u] offend you I would not like to offend you
      Let's correct this [s]mispelled[/s] misspelled word Let's correct this mispelled misspelled word
      Jane was at [color=blue]the coast[/color] Jane was at the coast
      Joe was in [color=#FF0000]the forest[/color] Joe was in the forest
      You said: [size=30]HEY![/size] You said: HEY!
      She said: [font=Courier]What?[/font] She said: What?

      Creating links

      You have multiple options to specify links to other destinations in your posts.

      URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) starting with "www" or "ftp" (eg. are automatically recognized and replaced with links. You can also use the [url] tag with a parameter to specify a link with meaningful text to click on. If you use the url tag without the parameter, the enclosed text is assumed to be a URL, and a link is created to that destination.

      Email addresses in posts are also automatically converted to email links. For compatibility with common BBCode implementations, an [email] tag is provided.

      For more examples, visit For more examples, visit
      For more examples, visit For more examples, visit
      If you have questions ask me at If you have questions ask me at
      If you have questions ask me at [email][/email] If you have questions ask me at
      We use [url=]the example site[/url] in these examples We use the example site in these examples
      We use [url][/url] in these examples We use in these examples

      Displaying images

      The [img] tag allows you to display an image in your post. You need to specify a URL to the image, so it needs to be accessible somewhere on the internet. Beware of adding very large images to your text, or the page will load very slowly!

      If you enclose a URL in an [img] tag, then it will be replaced with code to display the image. For example A good screenshot: [img][/img] will show you the screenshot (if it exists).

      You can also specify the desired display dimensions of the image by adding a dimension parameter to the [img] tag. A good screenshot: [img=640x480][/img] will display the image in 640x480 (though the full image will be downloaded). Do not use this to show a thumbnail of an image!

      You are free to link an image to an external destination by enclosing the [img] tag with a [url] tag: See [url=][img][/img][/url].

      Ordered and unordered lists

      The simplest list type is the unordered list, which means that there is no numbering applied to the elements. You can make such a list by enclosing the list elements in [list] opening and closing tags. Specify the start of one element with the [*] list element marker, which has no closing tag pair.

      To create an ordered list, you should add a parameter to the [list] list tag specifying what type of ordered list you would like to see. The possible parameters are "i", "I", "1", "a", "A", "c", "d" and "s" which all correspond to the display of the first list element.

      I love
      I love
      • Oranges
      • Apples
      • Bananas
      I love
      I love
      1. Oranges
      2. Apples
      3. Bananas
      I love
      I love
      1. Oranges
      2. Apples
      3. Bananas

      Fixed-width text and block formatting

      You can use the [code] tag to add an inline fixed-width formatted part or to add a block of (usually program) code. If there is any newline present between the opening and closing tags, then a block will be displayed.

      Similarly, the [php] tag can be used to post PHP code. PHP code will automatically be syntax highlighted for easier readability.

      Edit your [code]robots.txt[/code] file Edit your robots.txt file
      An HTML title example:
       <title>Page Title</title>
      An HTML title example:
       <title>Page Title</title>
      Some PHP code:
      function hello()
        echo "Hello World!";
      Some PHP code:
      function hello()
      "Hello World!";

      Text and block alignment

      You can also set the alignment of the text by using [left], [right] and [center] tags. The [float] tag can be used to place floating boxes in the text (especially handy for images). You can specify the direction of the floating with [float=left] and [float=right]. The [justify] tag can be used justify text on both sides of the page.

      Other supported tags

      It is possible to quote something that has already been posted, by just putting [quote][/quote] tags around it. To quote a specific person, use something like [quote=John]. Quote tags can be nested.

      The [sub] and [sup] tags can be used to add subscript and superscript text. For example, H[sub]2[/sub]O gives H2O, while X[sup]3[/sup] gives X3.

      The [acronym] tag allow you to identify text as an acronym and provide a description when users move their mouse over the tag. For example, [acronym=Structured Query Language]SQL[/acronym] produces SQL.

      The [abbr] tag allow you to identify text as an abbreviation and provide a description when users move their mouse over the tag. For example, [abbr=World Wide Web]WWW[/abbr] produces WWW.

      The [notag] tags prevent text inside the tags from being parsed. This allows you to give examples of BBcode and not have it converted to HTML. For example: [notag]These [b]tags[/b] are not rendered[/notag] will produce "These [b]tags[/b] are not rendered".

      The [hr] tag draws a horizontal line across the page. Handy for separating chunks of text.

      Using multiple formatting tags

      You can apply more than one formatting specification to a portion of some text. I was at [b][i]the coast[/i][/b] will be rendered as I was at the coast.

      Make sure that you take care of the proper order of the opening and closing tags. You should close the tags in the opposite order in which you opened them. Otherwise you might get very strange rendering results. Also check your post with the preview function before submitting it, in case there are formatting errors due to improper BBCode usage.

    • LEGO Filter Guide

      LEGO part codes.

      Use [part:XXXXX] where XXXXX is part number. Part image will display with default color.

      For part with color, use any of the following:

      • [part:XXXXX color:YYYY]
      • [part:XXXXX colour:YYYY]
      • [part:XXXXX; YYYY]
      • [part:XXXXX, YYYY]

      where XXXXX is part number and YYYY is color name or number from the following list:

      Color IDColor nameLEGO nameAlternative namesSample
      -1[Unknown]Light OrangeNot Applicable, Modulex Medium Stone Gray, Modulex Charcoal Gray, Modulex Orange, Modulex Ochre Yellow, Modulex Olive Green, Modulex Pastel Green, Modulex Tile Blue, Fabuland Orange, Modulex Aqua Green, Modulex Black, Modulex Brown, Modulex Buff, Modulex Clear, Modulex Lemon, Modulex Light Gray, Modulex Light Orange, Modulex Light Yellow, Modulex Medium Blue, Modulex Pastel Blue, Modulex Pink, Modulex Pink Red, Modulex Red, Modulex Teal Blue, Modulex Terracotta, Modulex Tile Brown, Modulex Tile Gray, Modulex Violet, Modulex White, Warm Yellowish Orange, Medium Yellowish Orange, Dark Nougat, Transparent Fire Yellow, Transparent Light Royal Blue, Curry, Tr. Flu. Red, blackgoldglitter, curry, dknougat, ffred, ffyellow, fabulime, fabuorange, metalliccopper, metallicwhite, neonblue, pearlgreen, pearlescentpink, redpink, trltgreen, trsalmon, Main_Colour, Edge_Colour, Rubber_Yellow, Rubber_Trans_Yellow, Rubber_Trans_Clear, Rubber_Blue, Rubber_Red, Rubber_Light_Gray, Rubber_Dark_Blue, Rubber_Purple, Rubber_Lime, Magnet, Electric_Contact_Alloy, Electric_Contact_Copper, Rubber_Light_Bluish_Gray, Rubber_Flat_Silver, Rubber_White 
      0BlackBlackCONDUCT. BLACK, Rubber_Black 
      1BlueBright BlueBR.BLUE 
      2GreenDark greenDK.GREEN 
      3Dark TurquoiseBright bluish greenBR.BLUEGREEN, teal, Dark_Turquoise 
      4RedBright redBR.RED 
      5Dark PinkBright PurpleBR. PURPLE, dkpink, Dark_Pink 
      6BrownEarth Orangeoldbrown, EARTH-ORA 
      7Light GrayGreyoldgray, Light_Gray 
      8Dark GrayDark greyDK.GREY, olddkgray, Dark_Gray 
      9Light BlueLight blueltblue, Light_Blue 
      10Bright GreenBright GreenBR.GREEN, btgreen, Bright_Green 
      11Light TurquoiseMed. bluish greenMD.BL-GREEN, ltteal, Light_Turquoise 
      12SalmonMedium Red 
      14YellowBright yellowBR.YEL 
      17Light GreenLight greenL.GREEN, ltgreen, Light_Green 
      18Light YellowLight yellowltyellow, Light_Yellow 
      19TanBrick yellowBRICK-YEL 
      20Light VioletLight bluish violetL.BLUEVIOL, ltviolet, Light_Violet 
      21Glow In Dark OpaquePhosp. WhiteGlow in the Dark Opaque, PHOS.WHITE, glowinthedark, Glow_In_Dark_Opaque 
      22PurpleBright violetBR. VIOLET 
      23Dark Blue-VioletDark Royal blueDK. R.BLUE, dkroyalblue, Dark_Blue_Violet 
      25OrangeBright orangeBR.ORANGE 
      26MagentaBright reddish violetBR.RED-VIOL. 
      27LimeBr. yellowish greenBR.YEL-GREEN, BRIGHT YELLOWISH GREEN 
      28Dark TanSand yellowdktan, Dark_Tan 
      29Bright PinkLight PurpleLGH. PURPLE, btpink, Bright_Pink 
      30Medium LavenderMedium LavenderMEDIUM LAVENDEL, mdlavender, Medium_Lavender 
      32Trans-Black IR LensBlack IRTr.Black IR, Trans_Black_IR_Lens 
      33Trans-Dark BlueTr. BlueTransparent Dark Blue, TR.BLUE, trblue, Trans_Dark_Blue 
      34Trans-GreenTr. GreenTransparent Green, TR.GREEN, trgreen, Trans_Green 
      35Trans-Bright GreenTransparent Bright GreenTR. BR. GREEN, trbtgreen, Trans_Bright_Green 
      36Trans-RedTr. RedTransparent Red, TR.RED, trred, Trans_Red 
      40Trans-BrownTr. BrownTrans-Black, Transparent Black, TR.BROWN, smoke, Trans_Black 
      41Trans-Light BlueTr. Lg blueTransparent Light Blue, trltblue, Trans_Medium_Blue, TR.L.BLUE, TR. LIGHT BLUE 
      42Trans-Neon GreenTr. Flu. GreenTransparent Neon Green, TR.FL.GREEN, trneongreen, Trans_Neon_Green 
      43Trans-Very Lt BlueTransparent Light Bluish GreenTrans-Aqua, Transparent Very Light Blue, TR. LGH. BL. GR, triceblue, Trans_Very_Light_Blue 
      45Trans-Dark PinkTr. Medi. reddish violetTransparent Dark Pink, TR.ML.R.VIOL, trpink, Trans_Dark_Pink 
      46Trans-YellowTr. YellowTransparent Yellow, TR.YEL, tryellow, trltyellow, Trans_Yellow 
      47Trans-ClearTransparentTR., clear, Trans_Clear 
      52Trans-PurpleTr. Bright bluish violetTransparent Purple, TR.KL.BL.VIO, trpurple, Trans_Purple 
      54Trans-Neon YellowTransparent Fluorescent YellowTransparent Neon Yellow, trpeach, Trans_Neon_Yellow 
      57Trans-Neon OrangeTr. Flu. Reddish orangeTransparent Neon Reddish Orange, TR.FL.REDORA, trneonorange, Trans_Neon_Orange 
      60Chrome Antique BrassChrome Brass, chromebrass, Chrome_Antique_Brass 
      61Chrome Bluechromeblue, Chrome_Blue 
      62Chrome Greenchromegreen, Chrome_Green 
      63Chrome Pinkchromepink, Chrome_Pink 
      64Chrome Blackchromeblack, Chrome_Black 
      68Very Light OrangeLight Yellowish Orangepaleorange, Very_Light_Orange 
      69Light PurpleBright Reddish LilacBR. RED. LILAC, ltpurple, btpurple, Light_Purple 
      70Reddish BrownReddish BrownRED. BROWN, redbrown, Reddish_Brown 
      71Light Bluish GrayMedium stone greyMedium Stone Gray, MED. ST-GREY, mdstone, Light_Bluish_Gray, LBG, Light Bley, LtBley, Bley 
      72Dark Bluish GrayDark stone greyDark Stone Gray, DK. ST. GREY, dkstone, Dark_Bluish_Gray, DBG, Dark Bley, DkBley 
      73Medium BlueMedium blueMD.BLUE, mdblue, Medium_Blue 
      74Medium GreenMedium greenMD.GREEN, mdgreen, Medium_Green 
      75Speckle Black-CopperCOP. DIF.Speckle Black Copper, blackcopperglitter, Speckle_Black_Copper 
      76Speckle DBGray-SilverCO. SILVER DIFSpeckle Gray, dkstoneglitter, Speckle_Dark_Bluish_Gray_Silver 
      77Light PinkLight PinkRose, parapink, ltpink, Light_Pink 
      78Light NougatLight NougatLight Flesh, L.NOUGAT, ltflesh, Light_Flesh 
      79Milky WhiteNatureTranslucent White, trluwhite, Milky_White 
      80Metallic SilverSILVER INKmetallicsilver, Metallic_Silver, C.SILVER, DR. L 
      81Metallic Greenmetallicgreen, Metallic_Green 
      82Metallic GoldGOLD INKmetallicgold, Metallic_Gold, W.GOLD, DR.LA. 
      84Medium NougatMedium NougatMedium Dark Flesh, M. NOUGAT, mddkflesh, Medium_Nougat 
      85Dark PurpleMedium LilacM. LILAC, mdlilac, Medium_Lilac 
      86Light BrownBROWNDark Flesh, dkflesh, Light_Brown 
      89Royal BlueR. BLUEBlue-Violet, Blue_Violet 
      92NougatNougatFlesh, flesh 
      100Light SalmonLight redltsalmon, Light_Salmon 
      110VioletBright Bluish VioletBR.BLUEVIOL 
      112Medium Bluish VioletMedium Bluish VioletMedium Violet, ML.BLUEVIOL, Medium Royal Blue, royalblue, Medium_Violet, Medium Violet 
      114Glitter Trans-Dark PinkTr. Medium Reddish-Violet w. Glitter 2%Transparent Pink Glitter, TR.M.R.V.GLI, trpinkglitter, Glitter_Trans_Dark_Pink 
      115Medium LimeMed. yellowish greenMD.YEL-GREEN, mdlime, Medium_Lime 
      117Glitter Trans-ClearTransparent GlitterTR.W.GLITTER, Nature with Glitter, clearglitter, Glitter_Trans_Clear 
      118AquaLight bluish greenL.BLUE-GREEN 
      120Light LimeLig. yellowish greenL.YEL-GREEN, ltlime, Light_Lime 
      125Light OrangeMedium Yellowish Orangeltorange, Light_Orange 
      129Glitter Trans-PurpleTr. Bright Bluish Violet w. Glitter 2%Transparent Purple Glitter, TR.BR.BL.V.G, trpurpleglitter, Glitter_Trans_Purple 
      132Speckle Black-SilverCO. SILVER DIFSpeckle Black, blackglitter, Speckle_Black_Silver 
      133Speckle Black-GoldWarm Gold, DiffuseSpeckle Black Gold, Speckle_Black_Gold 
      135Pearl Light GrayCool silverpearlltgray, Silver, Pearl_Light_Gray 
      137Pearl Sand BlueSand blue metallicMetallic Blue, MET.SAND.BLU, pearlblue, Metal_Blue 
      142Pearl Light GoldGoldpearlltgold, Pearl_Light_Gold 
      143Trans-Medium BlueTr. Flu. BlueTransparent Medium Blue, TR.FL. BLUE, trmdblue, Trans_Medium_Blue 
      148Pearl Dark GrayMettalic Dark GreyMET.DK.GREY, pearldkgray, Pearl_Dark_Gray 
      150Pearl Very Light GrayMetallic Light Graypearlvlgray, Pearl_Very_Light_Grey 
      151Very Light Bluish GrayLight stone greyLight Stone Gray, LGH. ST. GREY, ltstone, Very_Light_Bluish_Gray 
      158Yellowish GreenSpring Yellow GreenYellowish_Green, SPR. YELL. GREE 
      178Flat Dark GoldGold MetallicMET.SAND.YEL, pearldkgold, Pearl_Yellow 
      179Flat SilverSilver MetallicSILVER MET., pearlsilver, Pearl_Silver 
      182Trans-OrangeTr. Bright OrangeTransparent Orange, TR. BR. ORANGE, trdkorange, Trans_Orange 
      183Pearl WhiteMetallic WhitePearlescent, MET. WHITE, pearlescent, Pearl_White 
      191Bright Light OrangeFlame yellowish orangeFL. YELL-ORA, btltorange, Bright_Light_Orange 
      212Bright Light BlueLight Royal blueLGH. ROY. BLUE, ltroyalblue, btltblue, Bright_Light_Blue 
      226Bright Light YellowCool YellowCOOL YEL., coolyellow, Bright_Light_Yellow 
      230Trans-PinkTR. BR. PURPLETransparent Pink, trltpink, Trans_Pink 
      232Sky BlueDove blueDO. BLUE, doveblue, Sky_Blue 
      236Trans-Light PurpleTR. RED-LILACTransparent Light Purple, TR. RE-LILAC, trlilac, Trans_Light_Purple, Trans_Light_Purple 
      272Dark BlueEarth bluenavyblue, Dark_Blue 
      288Dark GreenEarth Greendkgreen, Dark_Green 
      294Glow In Dark TransPhosphorescent GreenGlow in the Dark Transparent, PH.GREEN, trglowinthedark, Glow_In_Dark_Trans 
      297Pearl GoldWarm GoldW.GOLD, pearlgold, Pearl_Gold 
      308Dark BrownDark BrownDK. BROWN, dkbrown, Dark_Brown 
      313Maersk Bluemaerskblue, Maersk_Blue 
      320Dark RedDark redNEW DARK RED, dkred, Dark_Red 
      321Dark AzureDark Azurdkazure, Dark_Azure 
      322Medium AzureMedium AzureMEDIUM AZUR, mdazure, Medium_Azure 
      323Light AquaAqualtaqua, Light_Aqua 
      326Olive GreenOlive Greenolivegreen, Olive_Green 
      334Chrome GoldMetalized Goldchromegold, Chrome_Gold 
      335Sand RedSand redsandred, Sand_Red 
      351Medium Dark PinkMedium Reddish VioletMD.REDVIOL, duplorose, Medium_Dark_Pink 
      366Earth OrangeL.ORABROWNearthorange, Earth_Orange 
      373Sand PurpleSand violetsandpurple, Sand_Purple 
      378Sand GreenSand greensandgreen, Sand_Green 
      379Sand BlueSand bluesandblue, Sand_Blue 
      383Chrome SilverMetalized Silverchromesilver, Chrome_Silver 
      450Fabuland BrownBrick Redfabubrown, Fabuland_Brown 
      462Medium OrangeBr. yellowish orangeBR.YELORA, mdorange, Medium_Orange 
      484Dark OrangeDark OrangeDK.ORA, dkorange, Dark_Orange 
      503Very Light GrayLight greyscalagray, Very_Light_Gray 
      1000Glow in Dark WhiteWHITE GLOWGlow in the Dark White, Glow_In_Dark_White 
      1001Medium VioletLilacmdviolet, Medium_Violet 
      1002Glitter Trans-Neon GreenTR.FL.GRE W/GLITransparent Neon Green Glitter, Glitter_Trans_Neon_Green 
      1003Glitter Trans-Light BluePCTR LI.BLUE W/Transparent Light Blue Glitter, Glitter_Trans_Light_Blue, TR LI.BLUE W/ 
      1004Trans-Flame Yellowish OrangeTR. FL. YEL ORATrans Light Orange, Trans_Bright_Light_Orange, Transparent Light Orange 
      1005Trans-Fire YellowTR. FIRE YELLTrans_Fire_Yellow, Transparent Fire Yellow 
      1006Trans-Light Royal BlueTR. L.ROYAL BLUETR.L.ROYAL BLUE, Trans_Light_Blue_Violet, Transparent Light Royal Blue 
      1007Reddish LilacRED. LILACClikits Lavender, Very Light Purple, Reddish_Lilac 
      1008Vintage Blue 
      1009Vintage Green 
      1010Vintage Red 
      1011Vintage Yellow 
      1012Fabuland OrangeLight BrownFabuland_Orange 
      1013Modulex WhiteMx White 
      1014Modulex Light Bluish GrayMx Light Bluish Gray, Modulex Medium Stone Gray 
      1015Modulex Light GrayMx Light Gray 
      1016Modulex Charcoal GrayMx Charcoal Gray 
      1017Modulex Tile GrayMx Tile Gray 
      1018Modulex BlackMx Black 
      1019Modulex Tile BrownMx Tile Brown 
      1020Modulex TerracottaMx Terracotta 
      1021Modulex BrownMx Brown 
      1022Modulex BuffMx Buff 
      1023Modulex RedMx Red 
      1024Modulex Pink RedMx Pink Red 
      1025Modulex OrangeMx Orange 
      1026Modulex Light OrangeMx Light Orange 
      1027Modulex Light YellowMx Light Yellow 
      1028Modulex Ochre YellowMx Ochre Yellow 
      1029Modulex LemonMx Lemon 
      1030Modulex Pastel GreenMx Pastel Green 
      1031Modulex Olive GreenMx Olive Green 
      1032Modulex Aqua GreenMx Aqua Green 
      1033Modulex Teal BlueMx Teal Blue 
      1034Modulex Tile BlueMx Tile Blue 
      1035Modulex Medium BlueMx Medium Blue 
      1036Modulex Pastel BlueMx Pastel Blue 
      1037Modulex VioletMx Violet 
      1038Modulex PinkMx Pink 
      1039Modulex ClearMx Clear 
      1040Modulex Foil Dark GrayMx Foil Dark Gray 
      1041Modulex Foil Light GrayMx Foil Light Gray 
      1042Modulex Foil Dark GreenMx Foil Dark Green 
      1043Modulex Foil Light GreenMx Foil Light Green 
      1044Modulex Foil Dark BlueMx Foil Dark Blue 
      1045Modulex Foil Light BlueMx Foil Light Blue 
      1046Modulex Foil VioletMx Foil Violet 
      1047Modulex Foil RedMx Foil Red 
      1048Modulex Foil YellowMx Foil Yellow 
      1049Modulex Foil OrangeMx Foil Orange 
      1050CoralCoralVibrant Coral 
      1051Pastel BluePastel BlueMaersk Blue, PASTBLU, Maersk Blue 
      1052Glitter Trans-OrangeTR.BR:ORA W/GLIGlitter_Trans_Orange, Transparent Orange with Glitter 
      1053Opal Trans-Light BlueTransparent Blue OpalSatin Trans-Light Blue, Opal_Trans_Light_Blue, TR.BLUE OPAL 
      1054Opal Trans-Dark PinkTransparent Medium Reddish Violet with OpalescenceSatin Trans-Dark Pink, Opal_Trans_Dark_Pink, Transparent Dark Pink Opal, Tr.M.Violet Opa 
      1055Opal Trans-ClearTransparent with OpalescenceSatin White, Tr. Opalescence, Opal_Trans_Clear, Transparent Opal 
      1056Opal Trans-BrownTransparent Brown With OpalescenceSatin Trans-Black, Transparent Black Opal, Opal_Trans_Black 
      1057Trans-Light Bright GreenTransparent Bright Yellowish GreenTR. BR. YEL GR, Transparent Light Bright Green, Trans_Bright_Light_Green 
      1058Trans-Light GreenTransparent Light GreenTranS_Light_Green 
      1059Opal Trans-PurpleTr.Violet OpalTransparent Purple Opal, Satin Trans-Purple, Opal_Trans_Purple 
      1060Opal Trans-Bright GreenTransparent Green With OpalescenceSatin Trans-Bright Green, Transparent Green Opal 
      1061Opal Trans-Dark BlueTransparent Blue With OpalescenceSatin Trans-Dark Blue, Transparent Dark Blue Opal 
      1062Vibrant YellowVibrant YellowVibrant_Yellow, Neon Yellow 
      1063Pearl CopperCopper MetallicReddish Copper, Reddish Copper 
      1064Fabuland RedRed OrangeFabuland_Red 
      1065Reddish GoldReddish GoldGold Metallic, Reddish_Gold 
      1066CurryCurryDark Yellow 
      1067Dark NougatDark NougatDark_Nougat 
      1068Bright Reddish OrangeBright Reddish OrangeDark Salmon 
      1069Pearl RedMetallic Bright RedMET. BR. RED, Metallic_Bright_Red 
      1070Pearl BlueMetallic Bright BlueMET. BR. BLUE, Metallic_Bright_Blue 
      1071Pearl GreenMetallic Dark GreenMET. DK. GREEN, Metallic_Dark_Green 
      1072Pearl BrownMetallic Earth OrangeMET. EAR.ORA 
      1073Pearl BlackMetallic BlackMET.BLACK, Pearl_Black 
      1074Duplo BlueTiny BlueLittle Robots Blue 
      1075Duplo Medium BlueTiny-Medium Blue 
      1076Duplo LimeLemonLight Lime 
      1077Fabuland LimePastel GreenFabuland_Pastel_Green 
      1078Duplo Medium GreenFaded Green 
      1079Duplo Light GreenLight Faded Green 
      1080Light TanLight Brick Yellow 
      1081Rust OrangeRust 
      1082Clikits PinkFlamingo PinkFlamingo_Pink 
      1083Two-tone CopperRed Flip/FlopBionicle Copper, Bionicle Copper 
      1084Two-tone GoldYellow Flip/FlopBionicle Gold, Bionicle Gold 
      1085Two-tone SilverSilver Flip/FlopBionicle Silver, Bionicle Silver 
      1086Pearl LimeLemon MetallicMetallic Green, Lemon_Metallic 
      1087Duplo PinkPink 
      1088Medium BrownMedium BrownMedium_Brown 
      1089Warm TanWarm TanMedium Tan, Medium_Tan 
      1090Duplo Turquoise 
      1091Warm Yellowish OrangeWarm Yellowish OrangeLight Orange 
      1092Metallic CopperCOPPER, DR.LA.COPPER INK, Metallic_Copper 
      1093Light LilacLight LilacLight Violet 
      1094Trans-Medium PurpleTransparent Bright Reddish LilacTransparent Purple 
      1095Trans-BlackTr. BlackTrans_Black, Trans-Black (2023), Transparent Black (New) 
      1096Glitter Trans-Bright GreenTransparent Bright Green w/ Glitter 
      1097Glitter Trans-Medium PurpleTrans Br Reddish Lilac w/ Glitter 
      1098Glitter Trans-GreenTransparent Green with Glitter 
      1099Glitter Trans-PinkTrans Bright Purple w/ Glitter 
      1100Clikits YellowFire YellowYellow 
      1101Duplo Dark PurpleBright Lilac 
      1102Trans-Neon RedTransparent Fluorescent RedTrans_Neon_Red 
      1103Pearl TitaniumTitanium MetallicTITAN. METAL., Metallic_Dark_Gray, Pearl Dark Gray, Pearl Dark Gray 
      1104HO Aqua 
      1105HO Azure 
      1106HO Blue-gray 
      1107HO Cyan 
      1108HO Dark Aqua 
      1109HO Dark Blue 
      1110HO Dark Gray 
      1111HO Dark Green 
      1112HO Dark Lime 
      1113HO Dark Red 
      1114HO Dark Sand Green 
      1115HO Dark Turquoise 
      1116HO Earth Orange 
      1117HO Gold 
      1118HO Light Aqua 
      1119HO Light Brown 
      1120HO Light Gold 
      1121HO Light Tan 
      1122HO Light Yellow 
      1123HO Medium Blue 
      1124HO Medium Red 
      1125HO Metallic Blue 
      1126HO Metallic Dark Gray 
      1127HO Metallic Green 
      1128HO Metallic Sand Blue 
      1129HO Olive Green 
      1130HO Rose 
      1131HO Sand Blue 
      1132HO Sand Green 
      1133HO Tan 
      1134HO Titanium 
      1136Reddish OrangeRed. OrangeReddish_Orange 
      1137Sienna BrownSienna BrownSienna_Brown, Sienna 
      1138Umber BrownUmber BrownUmber_Brown, Umber 
      1139Opal Trans-YellowTr. Yellow OpalSatin Trans-Yellow, Transparent Yellow Opal 
      9999[No Color/Any Color](Not Applicable)