Farewell to a Fallen Comrade

NnennWe are saddened to learn today of the death of one of the true heroes of Neo Classic Space, Nnenn (Nate Nielson). Nate died after a road accident earlier this month and leaves a beloved wife and two young sons behind. Our deepest sympathy goes to them at this most difficult time.


Nnenn was a truly inspirational builder, who had a great love of spaceships of all shapes and sizes. I doubt there's a spaceship theme he hasn't tried his hand at. Famously he pionered "Nnenn-scale", which features figures made mostly from 1x1 bricks and round plates, as well as building huge fleets of nanoscale dreadnauts. He also perfected the Vic Viper, producing dozens (or possibly hundreds) of variations.


Nnenn was a pioner of Neo Classic Space, producing several early models, but even his early contributions refused to conform to expected norms and everywhere he went he insisted on breaking new ground.


I contacted Nnenn when planning the Classic Space 30th Anniversity, and he was very keen to take part. When I contacted him again because I was worried I wouldn't have enough models to last the month, and wondered if he'd mind having an extra one in reserve. He then calmly informed me that he already had several models in progress. He also created the classic space guys' worst nightmare: the Ugokin. In all, Nnenn built an impressive 18 "Federation" vehicles and 11 Ugokin enemies during the month.

Ugokin Reaver

Although I only had a limited amount of email communication with him, Nate was a true gentleman and a pleasure to work with. His models inspired many, and he will be sorely missed at Neo Classic Space.



My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

A father of two shouldn't die so soon. From the pages I see here on the Classic Space website I know that he was a very creative and talented man concerning his hobby. I am sure the same thing goes for his work. A creative person who has the capabilities to physically create something that only exist in his mind with such skill must have been an inspiring person have known.

All the best and I wish everybody a lot of strength for the coming time.

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