Today we continue our adventure in Classic Space with one of the Federations's finest fighters, the <a href="/registry/ll-560-sereph">LL-560 Seraph</a> by <a href="/builder/peter-l-morris">Peter L Morris</a>.
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<a href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3418/3352937560_02764e6c63_m.jpg"><img src="/sites/neoclassicspace/files/u3/60560-med.jpg" alt="LL-560 Sereph" width="500" height="421" /></a>
<i>The Seraph is a heavy fighter built for fleet defense and
attack operations. It features two heavy plasma cannons
and two short range photon rifles. The cockpit is well
armored, though visibilty is poor. Many pilots initially
complain about the tunnel-vision effect, but they quickly
fall in love with the overwhelming firepower and superb
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<img src="/sites/neoclassicspace/files/u3/LL-560-landed-med.jpg" alt="A sereph landed" width="500" height="486" />
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Few Seraphs are in service, however, due to their extreme
cost and high maintenance requirements.
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<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/rival_m/3352111967/"><img src="/sites/neoclassicspace/files/u3/ll-560behind-med.jpg" alt="LL-560 Behind" width="500" height="375" /></a>
Peter says this:
<i>Originally my entry was going to use Peter Reid's cockpit,
and a more traditional design - more of a Classic Space
Earth Directorate Starfighter (from Buck Rogers). But I
just didn't like the way it was coming together, so I
scrapped it and went with a sketch I'd made. The sketch
was inspired by several of <a href="http://neoclassicspace.com/builder/nnenn">nnenn'</a>s MOCs</i><i>.</i>
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<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/rival_m/3352937538/"><img src="/sites/neoclassicspace/files/u3/LL560Seraph3View-med.jpg" alt="LL-560LDraw model" width="500" height="375" /></a>
We love the non-standard shape of this, and the fantastic part usage. It's great that Peter makes the time to produce digital versions of his models. It's a great way of keeping a record of models that may not exist any longer.