<p>In 1979 LEGO introduced one of their most iconic lines under the title "Legoland Space". Featuring red and white spacemen, with a range of spaceships, rovers and moonbases, they were an instant hit, and are still fondly remembered by hundreds of thousands around the world.</p>
<p>The theme ran until 1987, with other colours of spacemen along with many memorable sets. It is now generally referred to as the "Classic Space" era by fans.</p>
<p>Neo Classic Space (sometimes also called Classic Space 2.0) is an attempt to recreate the excitement of those early years. LEGO fans around the world have built new models, borrowing the style and colour schemes of those early sets, but using newer parts and building techniques to add more detail and realism.</p>
<p>In 2007, UK fan Pete Reid started a collaborative project with a group of other builders. His idea was to assemble a huge display of Neo Classic Space models and display them at events in the UK. This culminated at the Great Western LEGO Show into a 5 metre long runway packed with ships and vehicles and was very well received.</p>
<p>Neoclassicspace.com was then set up as a place to display people's models and to keep track of what has been built. Although initially just Pete's UK-based group, it has expanded to take in as many Neo Classic Space styled models as possible.</p>
<p>March 2009 saw the 30th anniversary of Legoland Space, so to celebrate this site ran a special event for the month. We asked some fantastic LEGO builders from around the world to create commemerative models, and presented a new model each day. The response was amazing - check out the image gallery to see some of the entries.</p>
<p>This site has been a little quiet since 2011, but the genre hasn't gone away. In 2013, Pete Reid and Tim Goddard's book <em>Lego Space: Building the Future</em> (published by No Starch Press) brought some iconic spaceships and plenty of amazing new builds to a fresh audience. 2014 has seen renewed interest in 1970s classic space thanks to Benny, a blue-suited spaceman in The LEGO Movie (and a very nice new spaceship set) and the launch of Pete Reid's Exo Suit as the seventh set from LEGO Ideas (previously known as Cuusoo). So we're revamping the site and will include the best new NCS builds from around the world.</p>
<p>We hope you enjoy the site, and if it inspires you to build something, that's even better.</p>