If you have come across me before it's probably for my mini Star Wars
creations which may appear to have become a bit of an obsession from
the outside but unfortunately as I have to work full time has only
actually managed to become a free time eclipsing hobby.
I'm a lifelong Lego fan, only suffering from a few clouds instead on a
dark age. I grew up with all the various themes; castle, town, pirates
but space was always my first love.
Also a lifelong Star Wars fan, when the first Lego sets appeared in the
toyshop I was working in at the time my life took a new twist and lead
me to where I am today. The internet and the Brickish association have
helped me talk and meet likeminded people giving a new dimension to my
hobby and inspiring me to move in new directions. Special mention must
go to Craig Stevens and Peter Reid for rousing me to break new personal
Check out Tim on <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40182896@N00/">Flickr</a> and <a href="http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?msearch=Roguebantha">Bricklink</a>