Wow - I'm the second person to post on the blog!
<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3295/2830933600_01b3e1b9c7_m.jpg" align="left" width="240" height="180" hspace="8" /> I've uploaded pictures of my "Surface Explorer", a tracked vehicle built to Pete's Neo-Classic Space rules (I'm sure he'll publicise them once he's written them down). You can also view the complete gallery on <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dougidle/sets/72157606769147515/" title="Surface Explorer">my flickr</a>
The 'Explorer is based on the "Lunar Crawler" from the childrens TV show "Lunar Jim". I originally planned to add the grabber attachment but never got round to it. One day I'll add and build in some PF functions to make it move too.
I hope you like it!