
Day 31: LL-929 Star Fleet Infinitum

Today we conclude our little trek through the Classic Space Federation with Mark Stafford's LL-929 Star Fleet Infinitum. Mark has managed to get hold of some parts from the new Space Police sets, making us all very envious.

LL-929 Star Fleet Infinitum

The designation LL929 was one of several that was strangely unused (or perhaps for used on a top secret test vehicle) during the time of 'classic' space exploration, almost thirty years later, after the fractioning of human space into the colonies we know today, the government of Earth commissioned this one of a kind custom vessel to make a very special delivery.

LL-929 From Rear

18 Classic Space Forever

18 Classic Space ForeverLL-929 by Mark Stafford

16 Is that...

16 Is that...LL-929 by Mark Stafford

17 Yes it is

17 Yes it isLL-929 by Mark Stafford

14 Opening

14 OpeningLL-929 by Mark Stafford

15 Pulling

15 PullingLL-929 by Mark Stafford

12 Pilot

12 PilotLL-929 by Mark Stafford

13 Going around back

13 Going around backLL-929 by Mark Stafford

09 Underside

09 UndersideLL-929 by Mark Stafford

10 Three Quarter View

10 Three Quarter ViewLL-929 by Mark Stafford
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