
Space Police remember their Roots

Lego space has a long and colourful history, so it's good to see it remembered in the newest incarnation, Space Police (technically the third incarnation of Space Police), recently announced at the New York Toy Show.

Of particular interest is this statue, which one of the crooks has nicked from outside city hall...

S[ace Police Statue

The inscription reads, "IN-ANNOS-TRIGINTA-AD-CAELUM-INFINITUM-CONSTRUXIT", which is Latin for Three Decades of Building in the Infinite Heavens.

Which you will soon see is particularly apt.

Micro by Monkfish

Check out this little beauty by flickr user Monkfish44. Monkfish is a TFOL and lives in the UK... hopefully he'll join Brickish soon, and we can get a closer look at his excellent robots and spaceships.

Microscale Interceptor by Monkfish

Check out the rest of his gallery here.

These Boots Are Made for Walking...

Even in low gravity, walking's a pain. That's why you need a handy mechanical walker like this. Unlike wheeled vehicles, it easily navigates the difficult terrain of alien worlds, and comes equipped with plenty of firepower - in case the natives aren't friendly.

See Thomas's other photos on Flickr.

How cute is this?!

Brickshelf user Compike comes up with the cutest little LL928 Galaxy Explorer ever.

Micro Galaxy Explorer

Check out the rest of the set here

"Classic Starfighter" creates some cabriolet retro chic

This lovely little creation is actually an old MOC of Flickr user Nolnet

 Classic Starfighter

It use a really nice combination of forms. It's retro because Nolnet only used parts available in 1987 and cabriolet? Well it's one of those rare open-topped blue and grey numbers that the Neo Classic Space scientist dabbled with - feel the solar wind in your visor man!

Edit: Thanks to the anonymous poster who pointed out my error when I said it was made with parts from 1978.

LL-109 by James

This fantastic small starfighter by James really looks the business.

The retro box art is fantastic. Check out the rest of the pictures here.

Nice work James!

Chris Giddins' Centaur goes Fazoom!

Larger ships can have a tendency to look ugly, often taking on the appearance of a skyscraper with pointy bit attached. Not so with Chris Giddins' LL-72 Centaur.

LL-72 Centaur

The smooth lines and beautiful curves are exquisite, and check out all the detailing. The fact it has a well worked out interior is a bonus.

We look forward to seeing future work from Chris.

Classic Space crew on parade

It looks like the Classic Space Federation are getteng ready for something big. Across the federation, crews are shining up their best uniforms, polishing equipment and makingselves look their best. Some had been suggesting that the federation was on it's way out, but no more.

Captain Armstrong's crew stand proudly to attention before boarding their ship. The excitement mounts across the federation.

Thanks for Ed Diment for his photo of the proud crew.

Classic Space Pioneers - Chad Smith

I know very little about Chad Smith.

He posted a single beautiful model in 2006 and returned to the relative obscurity of his Lego train club. The ship was a major inspiration for me, and helped refine the parameters of the Neo-Classic Space project.

Chad Smith's Classic Space ship

Have a look at his gallery. The smooth, sideways construction is excellent, and there's some elegant landing gear on the flip side.

Chad Smith holds his Classic Space ship

Come back to us, Chad! This picture wouldn't look anywhere near as good if you were holding a train!

Resistance is Futile

Classic Space Borg CubeAn interesting twist on the Classic Space theme is T.Oechsner's Classic Space Borg Cube. He's captured the effect of the Borg cube beautifully, while cramming in lots of Legoland Space influence in.

I've certainly been assimilated.

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